Bell World by Ray Wilson (16:14) listen
The sounds of wind and various chimes combine to create a wide hypnotic landscape. Realized on the MFOS Modular.
A Musical Offering Six Part Fugue by J.S. Bach (12:00) listen
A masterpiece by the master of the fugue J.S. Bach. Written in response to a challenge from Frederick II, Bach outdoes even himself in this haunting melodic
piece. Completely voiced with the MFOS ULTIMATE.
Cold Sleep by Ray Wilson (18:38) listen
This is what I imagine goes through the mind of a person who is in "cold sleep" during a long space voyage. Realized on the MFOS Modular.
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun by Claude Debussy (9:37) listen
This piece is considered one of Debussy's most famous works and also marks a turning point in the history of impressionistic music. Completely voiced with the
Tibetan Wind and Resonant Drones by Ray Wilson (8:14) listen
Resonant drones accompanied by wind make a meditative combination reminiscent of a Tibetan monastery. Realized on the MFOS Modular.
Wooded Hollow with Stream and Birds (8:14) listen
What is more relaxing than sitting by a stream on a beautiful day in a wooded hollow. As it's name implies the simple sounds of nature brought to you by analog
synthesis. Realized on the MFOS Modular.