Ray Wilson authored this content while he was actively running MFOS as the founder and resident genius.
We retain the content because it reflects a valuable point of view representing that time and place.
Prototype PCB Support Documents
I am going to present some ideas for using the Synth-DIY Experimenter Board here and I hope you think up some of your own. I'm certain you can make some very interesting sound generators using some or all of the modules on the board. I am going to present a full blown use of the board and how to use only half of it. In this way I hope you see that you can mix and match to make up your own customized sound generator using the Synth-DIY Experimenter Board.
First I explain the layout of the kludge area which contains the two spare op amps so you are familiar with the layout and which pads connect to what. I explain how to use all of the modules on the PC board in the Full Version in the first section, including using the kludge area to create a couple of audio mixers. If you want a simpler version I also present the "Half Sandwich" version, so named because there are just times when a half sandwich will do. This version uses the PCB but only one of each of the dual modules. This results in a lower cost sound effects box albeit with half the capabilities of the full version. In the YouTube videos that accompany this project I will demonstrate the effects you can expect with the full version and the half version. Both will probably surprise you. The parts list contains the BOM for the Full version, the "Half Sandwich" version and the kludged mixers section. It is important that you order the parts for the appropriate version and the kludge area if you make either of these projects.
As I come up with more ideas I will post them here or at the bottom of this page.
Just got done testing my Synth-DIY Experimenter Board project with the MFOS Micro Sample and Hold and it worked perfectly. Here is the link to the stand alone version of the project which can use the Synth-DIY Experimenter Board modules for input voltages and control the CV controllable modules with it's output. It's a match made in heaven. Go to the MFOS Micro Sample and Hold Project
I have marked the traces that are +V, -V and Ground and again which are connected to the spare op amps' pins. All of the unconnected pads are for mounting components to support your use of the op amps. The op amp pins also have several connection points to use as well. Mounting resistors vertically is a good idea when you are crunched for space.
We used the two spare op amps as inverting audio mixers. They are both very similar in design except for the fact that the Main Mixer permits one of the inputs to be applied to either the inverting or the non-inverting input of U9-B. This allows you to mix "out of phase" signals which can result in some cool effects. When the switch is set to send the input to the inverting input then the non-inverting input is grounded and vice versa. Both mixers have the potential for adding gain of up to 2 for lower level signals so be aware that setting the input levels too high for strong signals may result in distortion in the output. Both mixers have a 47pF stabilization cap in parallel with the feedback resistor since the op amps are only internally compensated for a gain of one.
Again keep in mind that you can use whichever sections of the board you want. I show you how to "pacify" any section "halves" you don't use on the tab entitled "Full PC Board". If you don't plan to use an entire section of the board simply do not install any of the ICs or components for that section and you will be good to go.
Since all of the preceding project pages explain the operation of everything on the board I am going to go straight to the panel layout and wiring for the giant sound effect box version.
This is a very utilitarian front panel layout meant to illustrate the interface and wiring. The PDF is 1:1 scale and can be used to make a front panel. If you want to make a front panel here is one way to do it that works for me: How To Make Front Panels
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When you are populating the panel I suggest this order of component installation to ease assembly:
I like to populate the PC board, then populate the panel, then I wire up the panel. All of the +12V connections should be wired together and a wire should be available to attach to the PC board. All of the -12V connections should be wired together and a wire should be available to attach to the PC board. All of the Ground connections should be wired together and a wire should be available to attach to the PC board. As I stated you need to substitute your power supply if you use a different one. To clarify, if you use +/-9V then the +12V connections will turn into your +9V connections, the -12V connections will turn into your -9V connections and ground will always be ground.
Attenuators Each attenuator is simply a potentiometer and two banana jacks wired as a variable voltage divider. The banana jack labeled "In" goes to one side of the pot and the other side of the pot is grounded. The center connection of the pot is connected to the banana jack labeled "Out". This allows you to adjust the level of any of the outputs of the other modules by plugging it's output into the attenuator's "In" and then connecting the attenuator's "Out" to another module's control voltage input. Setting the attenuator knob all the way counter-clockwise reduces the signal at the "Out" jack to 0 and setting it all the way clockwise applies the full level of the signal at the "In" jack to the "Out" jack. Of course you can adjust to any level in between using the pot. For example, taking the output of one oscillator into the attenuator and applying the output of the attenuator to the other oscillator's CV input results in some strange modulation sounds as you vary the frequencies of the two oscillators and the amount of modulation from one to the other via the attenuator control.
Try to wire the panel in such a way that you don't have a bunch of wires soldered to one place. I try to wire my panel so that I have at most three wires going to any one connection. More than that is not a crime (What are you in for..? Murder. How about you? I attached too many wires to one place... sigh) and will work fine as long as you don't end up getting stuck trying to solder four or more wires to one lead of an LED since it's not very durable.
If you decide to make your own panel and use 1/4" phone jacks remember two things: 1) the connections called out in the drawing (X1, X2, etc.) get connected to the tip terminal and 2) that if your panel material is conductive and the jacks have metal chassis then if you connect one of the jack's ground connections you have grounded them all (which is good). If they are plastic or don't electrically connect the ring to the mounting then you need to connect all of the ring connections to ground.
Wires that carry high level signals like the outputs of oscillators or LFOs can reflect the signal passing through them into adjacent wires via capacitive and/or inductive coupling so when wiring your panel try to keep them away from the inputs to the VCAs, VCFs and the White Noise connection. You can use coax cable to connect the high level signals from the PCB to the panel to reduce the possibility of reflected signal. You only need to connect one end of the coax cable ground to circuit ground. You can use coax cable to connect the mixer pots to the PCB to reduce reflected signals from polluting the mixer. Again remember you only need to connect one end of the coax cable ground to circuit ground.
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For newbies I always suggest a battery supply for safety, ease of construction, and availability. This supply applies to either of the projects (Full or "Half Sandwicch") and will run either unit for a decent amount of time. The illustration shows how to wire the power switch shown in the front panel wiring diagrams. I always use DPDT (Double Pole Double Throw) switches in my projects even when I only need DPST (Double Pole Single Throw) because I only have to buy one type of switch instead of two and the DPDT works perfectly as a DPST. Thus in the illustration you see two power switch terminals which are not used. All we are doing is switching the +/-9V potentials from the batteries so that they are either connected to the PCB (unit is on) or they are not (unit is off). Leaving the unit on will kill the batteries overnight so remember to turn it off unless your dad works for Duracell.
Building a wall wart supply is a project of it's own but if you intend to get into synth diy you are going to have to eventually start building line powered supplies. The MFOS Wall Wart supply project is a good choice for this unit. If using the wall wart supply the front panel switch becomes unnecessary since I recommend simply unplugging the wall wart when the unit is not in use. MFOS Wall Wart Supply Project
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