MFOS Echo Rockit - Sound Producer/Processor

Ray Wilson authored this content while he was actively running MFOS as the founder and resident genius.
We retain the content because it reflects a valuable point of view representing that time and place.

Article by Ray Wilson
This is an advanced project requiring understanding of electronics and electronic building and trouble shooting skills and equipment. Access to a good oscilloscope, DVM, bench power supply, soldering station and hand tools will be required. Only the schematic, circuit description, and suggested panel layout are provided. Please read over the entire project before ordering PC boards or other products.





Schematic Page n

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Circuit Description


Schematic Page n

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Circuit Description


PC Board Information

Parts Layout With Component Designators



Parts Layout With Component Values



Top Copper

MFOS PCB Images are as viewed from the top of the PC Board. Keep that in mind when you are using the patterns with photo or copier processing.


Bottom Copper

MFOS PCB Images are as viewed from the top of the PC Board. Keep that in mind when you are using the patterns with photo or copier processing.


Silk Screen

MFOS PCB Images are as viewed from the top of the PC Board. Keep that in mind when you are using the patterns with photo or copier processing.


Front Panel Information

Suggested Front Panel Layout

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Circuit Description


Suggested Front Panel Wiring Diagram

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Circuit Description


Echo Rockit Project Parts List

Component Notes

All cap voltages should be 25V or more. All resistors are 1/4W 5% (1% will work fine). MFOS PC boards use dual inline IC packages. MFOS PC boards usually use 5mm (0.2") cap lead spacing unless it is obvious from the board's legend that it should be larger or smaller. I often specify axial leads for any caps mounted on the front panel but you can use radial as well by adding some wire to the leads.

Qty. Description Value Designators
1  LM13700 Dual gm OpAmp  LM13700  U4  
2  LM324 Quad Low Power Op Amp  LM324  U1, U5  
1  LM78L05 5V Voltage Regulator  LM78L05  U2  
2  Capacitor Tantalum Electrolytic  1uF  C9, C10  
3  DPDT Switch  DPDT  S1  
3  SPDT Switch  SPDT  S3, S4  
1  SPST Switch  SPST  S2, S5, S6  
4  Mono 1/4" Jack (2 Conductor)  Mono-Jack  J1, J2, and VCF CV Inputs  
1  Battery  9V Battery  B1