Changing a Pot's Adjustment Range

Ray Wilson authored this content while he was actively running MFOS as the founder and resident genius.
We retain the content because it reflects a valuable point of view representing that time and place.

Article by Ray Wilson

Changing a Pot's Adjustment Range

There are times when the range of voltage adjustment for a potentiometer needs to be adjusted. You may be powering a project with a different power supply voltage. You may wish the initial Cut Off Frequency pot went a bit higher or lower or you may want to adjust the coarse range adjust on your VCOs to your preference. I will describe four scenarios which are depicted in the image below and how to change the potentiometer's range of adjustment. The calculator will tell you the voltage range for any of the scenarios.

Scenario 1

In scenario 1 the pot presents the full range of voltage adjustment between -V and +V at the wiper terminal. There is no way to get more voltage from this arrangement however when the mixing resistor is being fed to a non-inverting op amp input it's value can be increased to lower the entire range of adjustment or decreased to increase the entire range of adjustment evenly for both the high and low range. Be careful that you don't exceed the power rating of a pot when wired in this fashion or the pot's resistive element will get hot and perhaps burn out.

Scenario 2

Scenario 2 always supplies -V as the lowest adjustable voltage but allows adjustment of the maximum positive voltage. If you want to lower the maximum positive range of voltage presented to the pot's wiper you can add a resistor between +V and the the end of the pot as shown. If you already have a resistor in this configuration and want to increase the maximum positive voltage available to the wiper then lower the value of resistor RP. Now you have a fixed voltage divider between +V and the top of the pot. To determine the maximum voltage available to the pot's wiper terminal in this scenario take the total voltage +V + abs(-V) divided by the total resistance of the pot and the resistor in series Rs. This gives you the current through the pot and resistor in series IPRs. Taking IPRs times the resistor RP's value gives you the voltage dropped on RP (Rv). If you take +V - Rv you get the maximum positive voltage you will be able to present to the pot wiper when turned completely up (adjusted towards the resistor to +V). To use the calculator for Scenario 2 set RN to "Shorted".


Supply Voltage Potentiometer Value Resistor RP Value Series Resistance Rs Current IPRs Voltage On Resistor RP (Rv) Max Pos Adjustment
+/-12V (24V Rail to Rail) 100K 10K 110K 218 uA 2.18V (12 - 2.18) = 9.82V
+/-12V (24V Rail to Rail) 100K 20K 120K 200 uA 4.00V (12 - 4.00) = 8.00V
+/-12V (24V Rail to Rail) 100K 47K 147K 163 uA 7.67V (12 - 7.67) = 4.33V

Scenario 3

Scenario 3 always supplies +V as the highest adjustable voltage but allows adjustment of the maximum negative voltage. If you want to raise the minimum negative range of voltage (bring it closer to ground) presented to the pot's wiper you can add a resistor between -V and the the end of the pot as shown. If you already have a resistor in this configuration and want to lower the maximum negative voltage (bring it closer to -V) available to the wiper then lower the value of resistor RN. Now you have a fixed voltage divider between -V and the bottom of the pot. To determine the maximum negative voltage available to the pot's wiper terminal in this scenario take the total voltage +V + abs(-V) divided by the total resistance of the pot and the resistor in series Rs. This gives you the current through the pot and resistor in series IPRs. Taking IPRs times the resistor's value gives you the voltage dropped on resistor RN (Rv). If you take Rv plus -V you get the minumum negative voltage you will be able to present to the pot wiper when turned completely down (adjusted towards resistor RN to -V). To use the calculator for Scenario 3 set RP to "Shorted".


Supply Voltage Potentiometer Value Resistor RN Value Series Resistance Rs Current IPRs Voltage On Resistor RP (Rv) Max Neg Adjustment
+/-12V (24V Rail to Rail) 100K 10K 110K 218 uA 2.18V (2.18 + (-12)) = -9.82V
+/-12V (24V Rail to Rail) 100K 20K 120K 200 uA 4.00V (4.00 + (-12)) = -8.00V
+/-12V (24V Rail to Rail) 100K 47K 147K 163 uA 7.67V (7.67 + (-12)) = -4.33V

Scenario 4

In scenario 4 changing either resistor (RP or RN) will adjust both ends of the adjustment range. Increasing RP alone will lower the entire adjustment range. Decreasing RP alone will raise the entire adjustment range. Increasing RN alone will raise the entire adjustment range. Decreasing RN alone will lower the entire adjustment range. Ohm's law of course always applies and calculating the voltages is not rocket science but it is a pain in the nether regions so here is a a javascript program to do it for you. Better living through software! The resistor value selectors contain 1% resistor values so if you are using 5% resistors just find the closest match and you will be fine. Note that the voltages are symmetrical and the midpoint is 0V when RP and RN are equal. The calculator updates when you select new values.

Power Supply Resistor RN Value Potentiometer Value Resistor RP Value
Maximum Voltage At Wiper Volts
Voltage Wiper At Midpoint Volts
Minimum Voltage At Wiper Volts

Image Showing Voltage Adjustment Pot Scenarios