OLD Micro Sample & Hold

Ray Wilson authored this content while he was actively running MFOS as the founder and resident genius.
We retain the content because it reflects a valuable point of view representing that time and place.

Article by Ray Wilson

Go to Micro Sample n' Hold June 2011 (NEW VERSION)

The MFOS Micro-Sample & Hold is a nice addition to your voltage controlled sound generator project whether it's a Synth-DIY Experimenter PC Board project, Sound Lab Mini-Synth or large modular synth project. It is as simple as a Sample & Hold can be yet features variable sample rate and output voltage glide (portamento). Its a simple way to add more flexibility to your synthesizer.

Circuit Description
Input voltages to be sampled arrive at VIN and are fed into U1B's non-inverting input. U1B's non-inverting input is also biased up to about 4.8 volts by R7 and R2. The NFET switch likes when the voltage it is sampling stays positive so we help keep it that way with this bias network.

Voltage at the output of U1-B is presented to the source input of Q2 (PN4391).

U1-A and associated components (R4, R5, C9, C4 R13, D3 and R12) comprise a single op-amp pulse generator. The rate at which the pulses occur is determined by the setting of R13 and the size of C4. The values shown give a good range of from approximately .5 HZ to about 50 hz. The leading edge of each pulse is fed via C1 and R9 and Q1 to the gate of Q2. The pulses turn on Q2 causing a sample of the voltage at pin 7 U1-B to charge C7 (polystyrene or other low leakage cap). When Q2 turns off C7 holds the voltage and presents it to U1-C high impedance buffer. I found that the LF444 was the lowest leakage (highest impedance) op-amp and resulted in minimum droop. My experiments with TL074 showed a lot more droop so it's worth finding and buying the LF444.

U1-C biases the sampled voltage so that it is back to the levels it had prior to being biased by U1-B. The voltage at U1-C's output pin 8 is presented to C8 via 1M Glide pot R20, and R15 20 ohm resistor. U1-D buffers the voltage on C8. When R20 1M pot in series with R15 20 ohm resistor presents resistance between pin 8 and pin 12 of U1-D the voltages slide from sample to sample. The more the resistance the slower the glide between samples. The lower the resistance the faster the glide with the glide being imperceptible at minimum resistance.

The output of U1-D feeds the Output Level pot R22 via R16 from point CV1. Point CV2 can also be used as a source for the sampled voltage output.

The sampling pulse is about 4 mS wide and is also used as the trigger output via D1 and R6 (marked as GATE). It started out as a gate (I didn't originally have the diode across R13) but when the output of the oscillator was square I could hear a perceptible drop in the output voltage when the square wave went low. I tried EVERYTHING to get rid of it to no avail. My solution was to make the pulse narrow enough so that if there is still a drop as the pulse goes low it happens so quickly after the sample that I can't hear it so good enough is good enough.

Micro Sample & Hold Schematic

Micro Sample & Hold Board Details
Micro Sample & Hold PC Board Parts Legend

Micro Sample & Hold PC Board Parts Values

Micro Sample & Hold PCB Layouts

Micro Sample & Hold Panel Example And Wiring Diagram

Here are the essential details to wiring the Micro Sample & Hold to a panel for stand-alone operation. It makes a great modulation source for the Synth-DIY Experimenter Board, the Sound Lab Mini-Synth or your modular synth.

Micro Sample & Sound Lab Plus Wiring Diagram

Here are the essential details to wiring the Micro Sample & Hold to the Sound Lab Plus

Micro Sample & Hold Project Parts List

Qty. Description Value Designators
1  LF444 Quad Op Amp  LF444 14P DIP  U1  
2  PN4391  PN4391 T092 (or equiv.)  Q1, Q2  
3  1N914 Sw. Diode  1N914 (or equiv.)  D2, D1, D3  
1  Ceramic Capacitor   .01uF  C1  
1  Ceramic Capacitor   .47uF  C4  
1  Ceramic Capacitor   10pf  C9  
3  Ceramic Capacitor  .1uF  C2, C5, C8  
2  Electrolytic Capacitor   1uF  C3, C6  
1  Polystyrene (or other low leakage type) Capacitor  .01uF  C7  
1  Linear Taper Pot  100K  R22  
1  Linear Taper Pot  1M  R13  
1  Audio Taper Pot  1M  R20  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  100 ohm  R18  
2  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  100K  R8, R5  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  1M  R4  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  20 ohm  R15  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  200K  R11  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  20K  R7  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  30K  R2  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  33K  R14  
2  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  39K  R3, R9  
2  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  4.7K  R12, R6  
2  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  470 ohm  R16, R21  
1  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  47K  R10  
2  Resistor 1/4 Watt 5%  75K  R17, R19  
4  Banana Jacks      
3  Pot Knobs