Get A Totally Cool MFOS T-Shirt
To purchase click the white cart icon in the upper right corner.
- Sports Gray GILDAN Softstyle 90% cotton and 10% polyester t-shirts
- Very soft and comfortable.
- Chick or Guy magnet (as the case may be).
- PETA Approved (no fur or fur lining).
- Makes a great gift for your favorite DIYer.
- Makes you look even more muscular or busty as the case may be.
- Great conversation starter.
- Great for casual day at the office.
- Great for formal events where you want to look casual.
- Excellent for wet T-shirt contests.
- XL T-shirts also make great car seat covers.
What better way is there to tell people that you love synth-diy than by adding an iconic knob labeled SYNTH-DIY turned up to eleven to YOUR BODY!
Large MFOS logo on the back and a small MFOS logo on the front breast pocket area. These sports gray GILDAN Softstyle 90% cotton and 10%
polyester t-shirts are really comfortable. I stock them in M, L and XL.
Merchants! Sell MFOS shirts in your brick and mortar store. I can sell these in quantity at a discount but will need a couple of weeks to get them to you.
You buy them at my bulk price, sell them at your price, and keep the difference. As King Crimson once said... Easy Money.
Email me for details and pricing.
What, you may wonder aloud, is the goal of the
Is it to stop the fur trade? Is it to save the dolphins? Is it to end the use of plastic? No and to be perfectly honest... it is to sell MFOS t-shirts.
However, if any of those other excellent things take place as a "side effect" of the
As a matter of fact MFOS recommends and heartily encourages the doing of any and all good and charitable deeds while wearing your MFOS tee shirt.
And if there should be a camera crew recording the event you might even get the crowd chanting: "musicfromouterspace dot com, musicfromouterspace dot com"
or any other pro-MFOS statements that come to mind. Of course it's also important to stay focused on the charitable deed so chant with
caution as it is well known that most accidents happen in the home and while doing charitable deeds.
The EARTH-WIDE MFOS T-SHIRT SIGHTING PROJECT is simply an effort to have a web page with pictures of creative people from around the globe wearing an MFOS T-shirt
while engaging in their passion - synth-diy. It would be a bonus if you were at a famous place while wearing it.
Like maybe: The Grand Canyon, The Eiffel Tower or The Empire State Building. You see where we're going with this.
But hey, you in your living room, your workshop, or your studio will be EVEN BETTER so please send those as well.
We believe that MFOS builders are some of the most creative, ingenious and imaginative people on planet Earth.
and share a photo of yourself sporting your MFOS T-shirt and MFOS project. Who knows what side effects the project might have.
Maybe even... world peace!
Click here to send an email and attach a photo.
At this point we will take obvious fakes like you going over Niagra Falls while playing your synth or landing on
the moon while playing your synth or... well... we think we've made our point.
Nigel Kilby enjoying the natural beauty of Finland.
I think he's a little extra relaxed and comfortable because
of the T-shirt but that's just me.
Nigel is one of Finland's most prolific synth diyers.
Click the photo for a better view.
Synth-diyer Nigel Kilby, kicking back by the lake.
Finland is a really beautiful country!
Click the photo for a better view.
Nigel Kilby's sons made him this awesome picture for his birthday and this definitely qualifies as a bonafide sighting.
Nigel keeps Finland solidly on the synth-DIY map.
Click the photo for a better view.
Shawn Rudiman of Pittsburgh, PA spent quite a while getting his extensively modified MFOS sequencer up and running.
It is now fully armed and operational. This has to be the coolest most functional sequencer going.
Click the photo for a better view.
Dan Tombs of the United Kingdom rejoices as his WSG packages arrive safely. Once again the US Postal Service makes it across the ocean successfully. Those guys are pretty darn good swimmers.
Click the photo for a better view.
mugre zap (mariano) of Argentina and his diy synth. Mariano is keeping Argentina rocking with synth-diy.
Click the photo for a better view.
Paolo Ferrari of Italy and his awesome MFOS modular. Paolo is one of the preeminent synth-diyers of Italy.
Click the photo for a better view.
This is Pehr Meldert of Sweden in his amazing studio. Pehr has hand-crafted scores of modules and is a seasoned synth-DIY enthusiast.
Click the photo for a better view.
Ray Wilson of Colorado, USA and his ever evolving diy synth. I know it's real because I was there and I took it. No Photoshop here, although some have accused me of kind of morphing myself with Brad
Pitt. There is no truth to that.
Click the photo for a better view.
Jonathan Wilson of Colorado, USA working away at making WSG kits at MFOS headquarters.
Click the photo for a better view.
Debra Wilson of Colorado, USA making some adjustments to the ULTIMATE as she prepares to lay down some tracks.
Click the photo for a better view.