for all controls and switches. Use the full
size front panel layout as a suggested guide.
If slide-type switches are used, rectangular
holes can be made by drilling a pilot hole of
about 1/4 inch, then filing the hole out to the
proper dimensions. A template can be made by
dissassembling a switch, flattening it and at-
taching it over the spot where the hole is to
be made. (Toggle switches are much easier to
mount but are more expensive.)
Two brackets must be made or purchased.
One is the holder for the batteries and may be
connected to the case at this time. The other
is the PCB holder and may be mounted to the PCB
now (it will be attached to the case later).
See the case diagrams for details.
After all holes are drilled and filed,
mount pots, switches and phone jack. Using the
wiring diagram as a guide, interconnect all pots
and switches with hookup wire. Solder care-
fully since some terminals have more than one
wire connected to them. At this time, connect
R41, R43, D3 and C18 according to the diagram.
Connections now must be made between the
controls and the PC board. The holes lettered
A-Z on the pots and switches diagram match with
points A-Z on the PC board. Connect point "A"
on the board to point "A" on the panel, "B" to
"B", etc. Use adequate lengths of wire to make
positioning the board possible.
Connect the two 9-volt battery clips ac-
cording to the wiring diagram. Point "X" (the
red lead of B2) connects to point "X" on the
PC board.
Insert the IC's in their sockets. The case
notch or dot on the IC should match the mark on
the PCB. Attach the PC board bracket to the case
Construction of your WP-20 is now complete.