WSG Trouble Shooting Tips

Ray Wilson authored this content while he was actively running MFOS as the founder and resident genius.
We retain the content because it reflects a valuable point of view representing that time and place.

Article by Ray Wilson

Getting Everything Working

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Here are some things to check if you find that instead of "Weird" sounds you are getting "No" sounds or "Nothing like any of the samples found on the WSG Home sub-tab page" sounds. Trouble shooting is a skill that comes with time. It takes patience and close observation. Help from a local electronics savvy friend is always a good idea.


If your WSG has extremely low level output the output jack is probably wired backwards. Look it over carefully and make sure that the WSG PCB's circuit point (OUT) connects to the jack's "tip" connector and that the WSG PCB's circuit point (GND) connects to the jack's ring (ground) connection. This is an especially common problem when the output jack used has more than two terminals as they are not always arranged in the same way.