Sound Lab Mini-Synth PLUS Panel Wiring

Ray Wilson authored this content while he was actively running MFOS as the founder and resident genius.
We retain the content because it reflects a valuable point of view representing that time and place.

Article by Ray Wilson
Sound Lab Mini-Synth PLUS Panel Wiring Diagram (Rear View)
Click this image for a larger one or click here for a PDF version. Wire the points on this diagram to: the corresponding points on the PC Board (including kludged connections), the MICRO SAMPLE AND HOLD PC Board, and the jack panel. For connecting the flying components I use a variety of methods including, shrink tubing, nylon wire ties and nylon wire tie anchors, terminal strips, etc. The main point is to make sure the connections are secure and that they don't short to anything. Also if you use 1/2 watt resistors for the flying components they have thicker more stable leads. Note the key at the bottom of the diagram. The various colors indicate where the point gets connected:

  • Green: to a kludged component
  • Blue: to the MICRO SAMPLE AND HOLD PC Board
  • Pink: to the jack panel
  • Yellow: to the Sound Lab Mini Synth PC Board.

    Pot values with an A (A100K for example) are audio taper. All others are linear taper.

  • New connections for the new "Micro Sample n' Hold June 2011" are shown on this drawing.


    Connections for the obsolete "Micro Sample n' Hold" are shown on this drawing for reference. This board was updated quite a while ago but if that is the version you have here is the hook-up.

    Sound Lab Mini-Synth PLUS Panel Legend (Front View)

    User Contributed Panel Designs

    Click this image for a PDF. In order to print it in the proper size set the PDF print setup to "legal size (11" x 14")" paper.

    Panel with changes related to new "Micro Sample n' Hold June 2011" are shown on this drawing.
    Sound Lab Mini-Synth PLUS Jack Panel Wiring Diagram

    Sound Lab Mini-Synth PLUS Battery Connection